From the book description: “
The remote island of Masquapaug has not seen a dragon in many generations—until fifteen-year-old Anequs finds a dragon’s egg and bonds with its hatchling. Her people are delighted, for all remember the tales of the days when dragons lived among them and danced away the storms of autumn, enabling the people to thrive. To them, Anequs is revered as Nampeshiweisit—a person in a unique relationship with a dragon.
“Unfortunately for Anequs, the Anglish conquerors of her land have different opinions.”

Title: To Shape a Dragon’s Breath| Series: Nampeshiweisit | Pub Date: 2023-05-09 | Pages: 528 | Genre: Fantasy | Source: NetGalley | Starred Review
To Shape a Dragon’s Breath Review
There’s something subtle, yet distinct, about Indigenous storytelling. So often, I think of it having a lull, like the gentle rocking of the water when you’re lying on a boat. I hadn’t looked into anything about the author, or even read the book description, before I started reading To Shape a Dragon’s Breath, but it wasn’t long before I knew this was an Indigenous author.
There’s a lot here for fantasy fans to love. Dragons are front and center in this story, and for Anequs, learning to shape her dragon’s breath is key to the dragon’s return to her people. This is a prestigious honor and a great responsibility, which she takes seriously.
As an Indigenous student at a dragon school, she’s one of only two girls in the student body, and one of only two of her people there. Anequs deals with sexism and racism from students and faculty alike, and venturing into town isn’t much safer at times. For me, this story worked on several levels. Anequs is on a personal journey, Anequs’s people are contending with threats and change, and Anequs is on an academic journey, with her dragon’s ife hanging in the balance. To Shape a Dragon’s Breath paints an unflattering picture of colonization, and also delves into other forms of bigotry. The book contains one of the best explanations of Two Spirit I’ve seen, and shows how forward thinking Indigenous cultures were while colonizers prohibited same sex relationships and other upheld traditional male-female gender roles.
One of the things about the gentle ebb and flow of this kind of story is that it isn’t always possible to anticipate future events, so those readers who like to look forward to specific conflicts or developments playing out on the page may be disappointed. For me, this works well because it keeps the story from feeling predictable. At the same time, the story delivered on some things that were hinted at in the text, and it built up to a suspenseful climax and satisfying resolution. I found Anequs memorable and loved this book. I hope we see more stories featuring her and her people.