Review: Revolver by Michael Patrick Hicks
Genre/Subgenre: horror/dystopian
Theme: Forgiveness, self-love, redemption, greed … Michael PatrickHicks packs a whole lot into this novella.
The Nitty Gritty: The rich hold the power and the poor and destitute can eliminate their debts on a heinous platform designed to entertain society’s elite. But Cara Stone is a unique contestant, and she might defy the expectations of everyone, including herself.
Ideal Audience: Fans of horror, crime fiction, and dystopian fiction will appreciate this story. Revolver also addresses some significant social issues.
Primary Strength: The story has a lot of unexpected developments and continues to increase the tension throughout. Cara is a compelling character and I was drawn to her.
Hot Take: Michael Patrick Hicks’ Revolver packs an enormous punch because he strikes the heart of so many issues plaguing our society. Greed and the lust for power are put in the crosshairs as Cara’s story unfolds. Revolver examines guilt and how our inability to forgive ourselves can destroy others just as much as it casts a harsh light on a society that treats people like they’re disposable and ridicules those who have less. It isn’t hard to see this as a future our world could easily slip into, and some of it feels all too real in an era defined by a reality show president.
Not all men can write compelling women, but Michael Patrick Hicks can. I found Cara’s mindset to be completely believable and compelling. He also addresses sexism within the story, and highlights repugnant behavior from entitled men that women deal with on a recurring basis.
While this is an intense story that builds the tension and leads to a whole lot of action, it’s also a thoughtful story that really examines sexism, discrimination, redemption, and entitlement. This may just be the type of story that deals with serious issues most effectively, because the author doesn’t use a sledgehammer to make his points, but the themes and the truths slip in and settle in your heart. The more you care about Cara, the more powerful the story is, and Cara’s a character you won’t soon forget.
Trigger Warnings:
suicidal ideation