Tumor by Joshua Hale Fialkov and Noel Tuazon

Private investigator Frank Armstrong barely scrapes by in the Los Angeles underbelly until “the big one” hits his desk. Locate and retrieve the daughter of a drug kingpin, and he can finally afford more than the one-dollar meatloaf. Unfortunately, the job offer arrives just as the symptoms of his fatal, late-stage brain tumor intensify. Frank must find the target and keep her safe while time collapses, family turns into foe, and the specter of his murdered wife resurfaces in the eyes of a mobster’s daughter.
Incognegro by Mat Johnson and Warren Pleece

In the early 20th Century, Zane Pinchback, a reporter for the New Holland Herald, is sent to investigate the arrest of his own brother, charged with the brutal murder of a white woman in Mississippi. With a lynch mob already swarming, Zane, whose skin color is light enough that he can pass for white, must stay ”incognegro” long enough to uncover the truth behind the murder to save his brotherand himself.
Silverfish by David Lapham

Mia Fleming’s dad and new stepmother are away for the weekend, when she discovers her stepmother’s secret possessions, and now she will try to unravel her twisted double life without unleashing a box of horrors.
You Have Killed Me by Jamie S. Rich and Joëlle Jones

Antonio Mercer is a private eye by trade, a man bad luck seems to follow, as evidenced by his newest client—the sister of his former lover, Julie Roman, who’s now disappeared. And Julie’s sister, Jessica, is a real piece of work. Still, Mercer takes the case, getting entangled in the same family drama that drove him away. Well, maybe not exactly the same, because the Romans have made some… unsavory connections. As the bodies start piling up, Mercer has no choice but to see the case through to its end—or become one of its casualties.