Community was an exceptional comedy series that centered on a group of adults taking classes at a community college. The show was known for its quality, particularly in the first few seasons. The show developed a cult following and it didn’t shy away from tackling some tough topics.
Some of the most memorable episodes, however, were pure fun. Who can forget the great paintball episodes that embroiled faculty and students in an on-campus paintball tournament that saw everyone vying to be the last person standing after all their peers got splattered?
Now, gamers can get in on the fun. 6 Seasons and a Game is a multiplayer game modeled on the paintball episodes. It’s available free online.
Hat tip to Nerdy Nightly for sharing this news on The Nightly Morning Show, which streams live Monday to Friday on Twitch and can be viewed on YouTube or listened to via the Nerdy Nightly Podcast feed.